AJ SURVEYORS has been incorporated as a Land Surveying company under the Land Surveyors Act 1958 ( revised 1991 ).
It aims to become an aspiring private limited company and a global player in businesses related to land surveying especially
in land development and construction industry.
AJ SURVEYORS ventures in all kinds of surveying works, such as underground utilities detection survey, pipeline survey,
engineering survey and topography survey works.
AJ SURVEYORS major re-engineering strategies include plan preparation using the state-of-the-art surveying software such as Civil Design
Survey, CivilCad, I-tools, GNNS solution and Land Development Software.
AJ SURVEYORS has rendered great services to many clients and customers. Its experience, technical and management knowledge ensures that all
future projects will be properly and strategically managed.
AJ SURVEYORS has been incorporated as a Land Surveying company under the Land Surveyors Act 1958 ( revised 1991 ). It aims to become an aspiring private limited company and a global player in businesses related to land surveying especially in land development and construction industry.
We already done 1263 projects and got 57 awards since our starting to operate
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